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Episode : book of acts

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12 episodes tagged with "book of acts"

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    Episode 635: Make Yourself Available to God

    Have you been seeking God out, or just following your own routine? God is looking for those that are willing and eager to seek Him out and obey Him; that is the determining factor for leadership in …
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    Episode 634: Women in the Church

    Can women have leadership roles in the Church? This is a highly debated topic in the Body of Christ. In this episode, Pastor Josh breaks down several verses commonly quoted on this topic, providing …
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    Episode 626: The Great Divide

    It is time for the Body of Christ to govern and call those things as though they were. We must unite and pray for our country and ask God what it is we need to do about the issues in this country. We …
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    Episode 621: Prophecy of Jesus

    Do not let false prophets who speak of doom and gloom distract you. We need discernment regarding the prophecies that are being released. It says in the Bible that many false prophets and teachers …
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    Episode 618: Avoid Distractions

    Allow God to prioritize things for you. We cannot lean on our own understandings or let ourselves become distracted with bad news or worries. God will make things clear to you as long as you are …
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    Episode 615: What to Expect in 2024

    Remember that we are a Christian before we are anything else; we are the governmental body of Jesus Christ. If we are not following the Great Comission, then we are not in obedience to the Lord Jesus …
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    Episode 614: The Governance of God

    God is establishing His governance. We need to learn to take on His way's of doing things in every area of our life. We have to be the ones to yield to God, He will not yield to us. In the Kingdom of …
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    Episode 606: Submission

    Remember that we are submitted to God's authority first and foremost. The church has gotten the order of things all wrong; you do not submit to your husband first, for God is our first husband. And if …
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    Episode 596: Mighty Move of God

    There is power in unity. The Body of Christ must unite and keep watch, and as we unite, God will turn this nation around. Right now the wicked are united, so we must pray for them. Let us not become …
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    Episode 575: Do Not Delay Manifestations

    In this episode Pastor Cristina reviews past prophecies, discusses the importance of the offices, as well as urges us to take up the responsibility given to us to make God's enemies His footstool. We …
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    Episode 572: Prophets, Prophecy and The Nameless and Faceless People

    We cannot rely on personal prophecy alone, but we must obey the instructions given to us and put God front and center. When prophesying there is no making mistakes, you must be completely guided by …
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    Episode 570: Discipleship

    We must change our mindset in regards to discipling others. We should seek to equip others to go out into the world, not try to control them and keep them under us. We must have the mindset of …