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Episode : book of exodus

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15 episodes tagged with "book of exodus"

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    Episode 638: Abide in His Presence

    As leaders, we must transition away from our own concerns and needs and towards the needs of others. We must continually go back into the presence of the Lord and continue receiving His instructions. …
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    Episode 631: You Are Called To Do Great And Mighty Things

    When the Lord calls you to something, it is not going to look easy from the outside, because it will be something greater than what you can do on our own. You must hold fast to the things God has …
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    Episode 623: Take on the Identity God Has Given You

    Though things may look bleak or impossible, they are opportunities for God to show His Glory. We must stand firm in our faith and obey His instructions, then we will see the deliverance of the Lord. …
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    Episode 620: You Have to be Made Holy

    We must consecrate ourselves before we can enter into the land God has promised us. Just like the Israelites, we must be made ready and Holy before we can enter in to what God has for us. We are not …
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    Episode 616: Rely on God in Every Area

    Remember that it is not by your own strength, but by the leading of God. When the Israelites went through the wilderness, that was their time of preparation; it was a time when they had to learn how …
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    Episode 614: The Governance of God

    God is establishing His governance. We need to learn to take on His way's of doing things in every area of our life. We have to be the ones to yield to God, He will not yield to us. In the Kingdom of …
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    Episode 611: The Calling of God Doesn't Come at Your Convenience

    We have to be willing to rearrange everything in our lives for the calling God has placed on our lives. God does not call people at their own convenience. When we submit to His plan, God will take …
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    Episode 604: Our Identity in Christ

    If you were born again, then your past is gone away; we must not look behind but press ahead and look forward. We are joint heirs in Christ, that is our identity in Him. If we truly know who we are in …
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    Episode 599: Let's Unite and Pray for Our Country

    If you are grieved with what has been going on in this country, consider the heart of God; He is more grieved. God does not enjoy the punishment of the wicked. So, instead of complaining, let us do …
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    Episode 582: Make God Your Priority

    We must let God make our schedule, not schedule God around. How many times have you missed the move of God because you were focusing on something you thought was more important? No, we must lay down …
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    Episode 545: Follow the Pattern of God

    Like Moses with the making of the tabernacle, we must follow the pattern God has set before us, down to even the smallest of details. We may not know exactly how God is going to do things, but by …
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    Episode 544: The Wilderness Journey

    These forty days are our wilderness, our time of preparation for things to come. The wilderness journey is not you not hearing from God, or not knowing where are you are headed, it is you on your way …
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    Episode 540: Forty Days and Forty Nights

    For the next forty days and forty nights, focus on what God is saying to the church and your role in the transfer of wealth and influence. Set aside these days to focus on hearing from God and …
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    Episode 536: Get Ready For The Promise

    We must allow ourselves to be transformed by God and enter His rest. His rest is the result of the transformation of our hearts. His rest is a confidence rooted in a love relationship with Jesus. His …
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    Episode 532: Dwell in the Presence of God

    Every place Jesus went, and everything He did was ordained by God. We need to do the same in our own life. Lay aside your own agendas and decide that you will passionately seek Him; draw near to Him …