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Episode : book of i kings

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8 episodes tagged with "book of i kings"

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    Episode 637: Choose This Day to Serve the Lord

    The differentiator between those of us that will fall by the wayside and those that will change the world is obedience. We must be more than just talk. We do not need to worry about establishing or …
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    Episode 627: The Power of God

    We must remember that we dictate the outcome. If we focus on obeying God, we will accomplish so much. So let us look forward and not dwell on sins of the past, or the wrongs that have been done to us. …
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    Episode 622: Holding True to the Promise of God

    Listen to God's commands and the Lord will work out the rest. If He has called you to a position, He will establish you. You do not need to force your way in. However, He will not establish you until …
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    Episode 580: Get Ready

    We must not let ourselves be contaminated by the teachings of man and this world; we cannot be double minded. If God's people, especially His prophets, focus on hearing from God instead of reacting to …
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    Episode 572: Prophets, Prophecy and The Nameless and Faceless People

    We cannot rely on personal prophecy alone, but we must obey the instructions given to us and put God front and center. When prophesying there is no making mistakes, you must be completely guided by …
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    Episode 567: After Prophecy

    Miracles, signs and wonders should be the baseline expectation for believers; it says, "these are the signs that follow those who believe." The way we get there is by seeking God out with everything …
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    Episode 562: Prophecies for 2023

    In this episode, Pastor Cristina talks about prophecies for 2023 as well as what we need to focus on and do. Let us not squander any of the time and opportunities we have been given. Many big things …
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    Episode 549: Focus on God's Will

    God wants to put the Body of Christ in a position of authority and influence, but He cannot do that until we have reached maturity. What does maturity look like? Maturity is being cognizant of the …