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Episode : book of ii kings

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12 episodes tagged with "book of ii kings"

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    Episode 640: Through the Spirit of God We Shall do Great Things

    God still has a greater work for America, so do not become cynical or pessimistic, instead focus on obeying the Lord. We need only to speak His word and do the right thing. Do not speak doubt, …
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    Episode 625: We Need to Get Engaged

    Change will not come from the world's ways of doing things but by our obeying the instruction of the Lord. We must take our posts and get engaged. Remember that when so much is given, so much is …
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    Episode 603: Treasure the Calling of God

    We need to value the calling of God. We must be willing to surrender everything, even what is dear to us, in pursuit of what God is calling us to do. Remember that the treasure He is trying to give us …
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    Episode 597: Focus on the Promise

    The promised land was full of people that did not believe in God, people that practiced witchcraft and detestable things. However, as the promise was followed, the wickedness had no choice but to …
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    Episode 595: We Are The Light

    We must continue to focus on the promises of God and where He is leading us. It is our responsibility as Christians to be the light to the world. This means we should be a transformative force …
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    Episode 594: Take Up Your Post

    God's purpose will be fulfilled, whether you are a part of it or not. Remember the seven thousand who had not bowed their knees to Baal, those that were set aside and ready to be used by God; do not …
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    Episode 591: How to Walk in the Supernatural

    Building up a personal relationship with God is the secret to following God's call on your life. Fall in love with Jesus all over again, and allow the Holy Spirit to be your teacher. Then we will be …
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    Episode 581: Time To Take Action

    Do not allow the wicked people or the world to divide us. We must rearrange our priorities. God is waiting for us to be united and focus on Him. It is not up to our leaders, so do not make an idol of …
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    Episode 580: Get Ready

    We must not let ourselves be contaminated by the teachings of man and this world; we cannot be double minded. If God's people, especially His prophets, focus on hearing from God instead of reacting to …
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    Episode 572: Prophets, Prophecy and The Nameless and Faceless People

    We cannot rely on personal prophecy alone, but we must obey the instructions given to us and put God front and center. When prophesying there is no making mistakes, you must be completely guided by …
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    Episode 558: Remain Excited

    Be excited, God is doing great things! There will continue to be political upheavals as He continues to place His people in every sector of society. If you open up your schedule to God, He will …
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    Episode 539: Treasure God's Direction

    Our actions— or inaction— will affect generations to come, so we must take what God has given us and treasure it, making it our top priority. With each opportunity God opens for us, we must be like …