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Episode : book of isaiah

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27 episodes tagged with "book of isaiah"

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    Episode 640: Through the Spirit of God We Shall do Great Things

    God still has a greater work for America, so do not become cynical or pessimistic, instead focus on obeying the Lord. We need only to speak His word and do the right thing. Do not speak doubt, …
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    Episode 639: Walk Out Your Faith

    We are not bound by our circumstances but by our own faith and obedience to God. When darkness comes, we must speak light. If we have not been seeing signs and wonders it is because we have not been …
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    Episode 633: Governing Prayer

    We must seize every opportunity for the goodness of God. Often our opportunities are concealed as chaos, upheavals, injustices, wickedness, challenges, and problems. As Christians, it us our …
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    Episode 618: Avoid Distractions

    Allow God to prioritize things for you. We cannot lean on our own understandings or let ourselves become distracted with bad news or worries. God will make things clear to you as long as you are …
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    Episode 617: Focus on the Lord in 2024

    In this episode Pastor Cristina goes over instructions and prophecies for the year 2024. During this year, we must make sure not to squander any opportunities God has given us. We must spend time with …
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    Episode 615: What to Expect in 2024

    Remember that we are a Christian before we are anything else; we are the governmental body of Jesus Christ. If we are not following the Great Comission, then we are not in obedience to the Lord Jesus …
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    Episode 609: Allow God to Transform You

    Our experiences with God should be regularly transforming us. If you haven't been receiving new revelations, it means you haven't been making room for the Holy Spirit to transform you. We cannot allow …
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    Episode 608: Who We Are In Christ

    Until we understand who we are in Him and manifest His authority in the earth, Jesus is not coming back. So let us truly know our authority and become Christ's Ambassadors Let us walk in power on this …
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    Episode 604: Our Identity in Christ

    If you were born again, then your past is gone away; we must not look behind but press ahead and look forward. We are joint heirs in Christ, that is our identity in Him. If we truly know who we are in …
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    Episode 602: It's Time For Implementation

    This is the season of implementation, so it's time for us to start implementing the things that God has been instructing us to do. The calling of God does not come at our convenience, so stop trying …
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    Episode 598: Walk in the Supernatural

    The month of September is going to be a month of power. It is time for us to walk in the supernatural. Let us remember that no one will walk in the supernatural using their own understanding. So let …
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    Episode 596: Mighty Move of God

    There is power in unity. The Body of Christ must unite and keep watch, and as we unite, God will turn this nation around. Right now the wicked are united, so we must pray for them. Let us not become …
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    Episode 594: Take Up Your Post

    God's purpose will be fulfilled, whether you are a part of it or not. Remember the seven thousand who had not bowed their knees to Baal, those that were set aside and ready to be used by God; do not …
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    Episode 591: How to Walk in the Supernatural

    Building up a personal relationship with God is the secret to following God's call on your life. Fall in love with Jesus all over again, and allow the Holy Spirit to be your teacher. Then we will be …
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    Episode 585: Prepare and Train For A Great Move of God

    This is a season of training and preparation for a great move of God. Let us make sure that we continue to put Him front and center, ensuring that God's motivation is also our motivation— a love for …
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    Episode 583: Be Productive

    In this time, we must be productive. Complaining about what the world is doing is not productive to the Kingdom of God. We are called to be a transformative influence on this world. He is the vine and …
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    Episode 579: Use the Prophetic Word as Your Guidepost

    You can have a form of spirituality, but that does not mean you are acting out the will of God. We should let the Holy Spirit and His word be our guide. Let us continue to meditate on the words God …
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    Episode 577: Consult the Holy Spirit

    You must make God sovereign in everything you do. That means focusing on where God is leading you and treating His Word as a lighthouse leading you through the storm. Only those that are able to fully …
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    Episode 569: Spiritual Authority (Part Two)

    In this episode Pastor Mike goes deeper into spiritual authority. Specifically, he talks about the Body of Christ and the government of God. We must make sure our actions align with God's will; that …
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    Episode 567: After Prophecy

    Miracles, signs and wonders should be the baseline expectation for believers; it says, "these are the signs that follow those who believe." The way we get there is by seeking God out with everything …
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    Episode 564: Follow Simple Instructions

    We must remember that the thus sayeth the Lords that have been released are God's idea. The words spoken over this country and your life, those are His perfect will. So we must focus on God's plan, …
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    Episode 561: New Year 2023

    In this episode, Pastor Cristina discusses the year to come and what to expect. This year will start off with a bang, and will be a year of harvest, turnaround and manifestations for the world as well …
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    Episode 558: Remain Excited

    Be excited, God is doing great things! There will continue to be political upheavals as He continues to place His people in every sector of society. If you open up your schedule to God, He will …
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    Episode 556: Change Your Mindset

    Youth Minister, Drew Ferrel, reviews some key points from the recent Prophetic and Business Training. Drew discusses the importance of changing our mindset. In order to be a part of this great move, …
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    Episode 554: The Call to Discipleship

    The condition of the country reflects the condition of the church, so ask yourself, "where do you stand and what must you do to advance the kingdom of God?" Have you been maturing and discipling …
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    Episode 552: Get Kingdom Minded

    If we are to be kings, we need the mindset of one. Kings, first and foremost, are concerned about the wellbeing of the people. In the same way, we must see where God has placed us as our …
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    Episode 550: Training to be God's Soldiers

    We must change our mindset for the transfer of wealth and influence. Like soldiers, we cannot be sent out until we are fully trained. We cannot be beggars any longer. Remember that He will never see …