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Episode : book of james

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9 episodes tagged with "book of james"

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    Episode 637: Choose This Day to Serve the Lord

    The differentiator between those of us that will fall by the wayside and those that will change the world is obedience. We must be more than just talk. We do not need to worry about establishing or …
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    Episode 615: What to Expect in 2024

    Remember that we are a Christian before we are anything else; we are the governmental body of Jesus Christ. If we are not following the Great Comission, then we are not in obedience to the Lord Jesus …
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    Episode 600: Let Us Fulfill Our Destiny In Christ

    We must walk the talk before we can preach it. The great commission is a commandment for all Christians, so let us not departmentalize the ministry of the Kingdom of God. When we are one with Christ, …
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    Episode 597: Focus on the Promise

    The promised land was full of people that did not believe in God, people that practiced witchcraft and detestable things. However, as the promise was followed, the wickedness had no choice but to …
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    Episode 587: Take Initiative

    We must take initiative wherever we are now and do whatever we can, in excellency. Remember, if you can be trusted in little, you can be trusted in much, so let us show God that we are trustworthy …
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    Episode 576: The Wilderness Journey

    The wilderness journey is the preparation we go through before we reach the promised land. We need to be willing to undergo the discipline process and hold ourselves to a higher standard in order to …
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    Episode 574: Purification and Preparation

    As the Passover and Resurrection Sunday approach, let us remember God's instructions to us: we must purify ourselves and separate ourselves from the rest of the world. God has a lot in store for the …
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    Episode 563: God is Positioning the Nations

    God is positioning the nations all over the world. It is His anointing that shall break the yokes. So, we must continue to pray for the wicked; we must continue to consider the heart of God; we must …
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    Episode 542: Preparation for Forty Days and Nights

    These forty days are important in our preparation for the things ahead. We must be willing to unlearn the things we used to do and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us new things. Be slow to anger and …