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Episode : book of john

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21 episodes tagged with "book of john"

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    Episode 649: Personally for the Body of Christ

    Jesus erased your past and you became a new creature, so stop dwelling on what was. You cannot change the past, but you do have control over today and tomorrow. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and let …
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    Episode 642: Be Kingdom Minded

    We must get out of our own ambition, expectations, and desires and be kingdom minded. Our obedience and the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ is the most prized pearl that we could acquire. Let us …
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    Episode 639: Walk Out Your Faith

    We are not bound by our circumstances but by our own faith and obedience to God. When darkness comes, we must speak light. If we have not been seeing signs and wonders it is because we have not been …
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    Episode 626: The Great Divide

    It is time for the Body of Christ to govern and call those things as though they were. We must unite and pray for our country and ask God what it is we need to do about the issues in this country. We …
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    Episode 612: Christmas is a Testament to God's Love

    Christmas is a testament to God's great love for us. The most fulfilling thing we can do in life is learn how to give some of the love God gave us back to Him. So let us step into the calling He has …
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    Episode 605: How to Hear the Voice of God

    As we spend time with God and obey the greatest commandment we will hear His voice more and more. Let us remember that God will always take care of us as we go about doing His work, so let us remain …
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    Episode 603: Treasure the Calling of God

    We need to value the calling of God. We must be willing to surrender everything, even what is dear to us, in pursuit of what God is calling us to do. Remember that the treasure He is trying to give us …
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    Episode 600: Let Us Fulfill Our Destiny In Christ

    We must walk the talk before we can preach it. The great commission is a commandment for all Christians, so let us not departmentalize the ministry of the Kingdom of God. When we are one with Christ, …
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    Episode 596: Mighty Move of God

    There is power in unity. The Body of Christ must unite and keep watch, and as we unite, God will turn this nation around. Right now the wicked are united, so we must pray for them. Let us not become …
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    Episode 595: We Are The Light

    We must continue to focus on the promises of God and where He is leading us. It is our responsibility as Christians to be the light to the world. This means we should be a transformative force …
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    Episode 592: Turn Your Captivity Into Victory

    We are not living in the supernatural because we are not following God's greatest command: love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. Signs and wonders …
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    Episode 590: Good News and Miracles

    These are days of miracles, let us get excited! Let us receive our blessings from Him and take our post. Do not focus on titles, but make the necessary corrections and always move forward. As others …
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    Episode 581: Time To Take Action

    Do not allow the wicked people or the world to divide us. We must rearrange our priorities. God is waiting for us to be united and focus on Him. It is not up to our leaders, so do not make an idol of …
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    Episode 580: Get Ready

    We must not let ourselves be contaminated by the teachings of man and this world; we cannot be double minded. If God's people, especially His prophets, focus on hearing from God instead of reacting to …
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    Episode 578: New News Media Giant — Be Proactive

    New groups of people are beginning to rise up and emerge in the News Media— righteous men and women of God— so do not despair, but thank God for what is happening. Let us continue to be proactive, for …
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    Episode 576: The Wilderness Journey

    The wilderness journey is the preparation we go through before we reach the promised land. We need to be willing to undergo the discipline process and hold ourselves to a higher standard in order to …
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    Episode 570: Discipleship

    We must change our mindset in regards to discipling others. We should seek to equip others to go out into the world, not try to control them and keep them under us. We must have the mindset of …
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    Episode 569: Spiritual Authority (Part Two)

    In this episode Pastor Mike goes deeper into spiritual authority. Specifically, he talks about the Body of Christ and the government of God. We must make sure our actions align with God's will; that …
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    Episode 568: Spiritual Authority (Part One)

    In this episode Pastor Mike talks about spiritual authority and how it differs from the authority in the world. Rather than a top down structure, spiritual authority is bottom up; it begins with …
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    Episode 565: Prophecy

    In this episode, Pastor Cristina discusses the characteristics of a true prophet, the purpose of prophecy, and how to discern if a prophecy is from God.
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    Episode 554: The Call to Discipleship

    The condition of the country reflects the condition of the church, so ask yourself, "where do you stand and what must you do to advance the kingdom of God?" Have you been maturing and discipling …