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Episode : book of matthew

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34 episodes tagged with "book of matthew"

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    Episode 633: Governing Prayer

    We must seize every opportunity for the goodness of God. Often our opportunities are concealed as chaos, upheavals, injustices, wickedness, challenges, and problems. As Christians, it us our …
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    Episode 632: Spiritual Authority Supersedes

    The authority that comes from God is the highest authority, and it is God who appoints. A marriage cannot be placed above God. Whoever God appoints, man or woman, has authority in that arena. So …
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    Episode 629: Take Your Post

    We must focus on the Great Comission and being led by the Holy Spirit in all things. We cannot allow ourselves to mix in the world's ways of doing things. There is learning, unlearning and relearning …
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    Episode 628: Blessed to be a Blessing

    Us being blessed and us being a blessing are intertwined, they cannot be separate. We are supposed to be the light and the solution. Because of this, we cannot be idle, we cannot be unproductive. God …
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    Episode 626: The Great Divide

    It is time for the Body of Christ to govern and call those things as though they were. We must unite and pray for our country and ask God what it is we need to do about the issues in this country. We …
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    Episode 625: We Need to Get Engaged

    Change will not come from the world's ways of doing things but by our obeying the instruction of the Lord. We must take our posts and get engaged. Remember that when so much is given, so much is …
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    Episode 624: Oh, The Times We Are In

    We will see replacement, displacement, promotion and demotion in the Body of Christ, then we will see it all over the world. God is replacing the 'Sauls' of our time with the 'Davids'. We must …
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    Episode 621: Prophecy of Jesus

    Do not let false prophets who speak of doom and gloom distract you. We need discernment regarding the prophecies that are being released. It says in the Bible that many false prophets and teachers …
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    Episode 616: Rely on God in Every Area

    Remember that it is not by your own strength, but by the leading of God. When the Israelites went through the wilderness, that was their time of preparation; it was a time when they had to learn how …
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    Episode 615: What to Expect in 2024

    Remember that we are a Christian before we are anything else; we are the governmental body of Jesus Christ. If we are not following the Great Comission, then we are not in obedience to the Lord Jesus …
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    Episode 611: The Calling of God Doesn't Come at Your Convenience

    We have to be willing to rearrange everything in our lives for the calling God has placed on our lives. God does not call people at their own convenience. When we submit to His plan, God will take …
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    Episode 610: For the Profit of All

    Do not postpone the things that you need to do for next year. Remember that what God has called us to do is not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit and profit of all. Let us be productive …
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    Episode 607: Return to Our First Love

    In this episode Pastor Cristina reports back some of what happened in the Philippines. She also talks about having a love walk with God. Is Jesus really your first love? Or is it your spouse? Your …
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    Episode 605: How to Hear the Voice of God

    As we spend time with God and obey the greatest commandment we will hear His voice more and more. Let us remember that God will always take care of us as we go about doing His work, so let us remain …
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    Episode 603: Treasure the Calling of God

    We need to value the calling of God. We must be willing to surrender everything, even what is dear to us, in pursuit of what God is calling us to do. Remember that the treasure He is trying to give us …
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    Episode 596: Mighty Move of God

    There is power in unity. The Body of Christ must unite and keep watch, and as we unite, God will turn this nation around. Right now the wicked are united, so we must pray for them. Let us not become …
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    Episode 595: We Are The Light

    We must continue to focus on the promises of God and where He is leading us. It is our responsibility as Christians to be the light to the world. This means we should be a transformative force …
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    Episode 591: How to Walk in the Supernatural

    Building up a personal relationship with God is the secret to following God's call on your life. Fall in love with Jesus all over again, and allow the Holy Spirit to be your teacher. Then we will be …
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    Episode 587: Take Initiative

    We must take initiative wherever we are now and do whatever we can, in excellency. Remember, if you can be trusted in little, you can be trusted in much, so let us show God that we are trustworthy …
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    Episode 586: Don't Worry, Seek God

    We need to do things God's ways, not allow the ways of the world to guide us. Let us contaminate the world, not the other way around. Do not let circumstances stop you or highjack your destiny. Trust …
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    Episode 580: Get Ready

    We must not let ourselves be contaminated by the teachings of man and this world; we cannot be double minded. If God's people, especially His prophets, focus on hearing from God instead of reacting to …
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    Episode 576: The Wilderness Journey

    The wilderness journey is the preparation we go through before we reach the promised land. We need to be willing to undergo the discipline process and hold ourselves to a higher standard in order to …
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    Episode 569: Spiritual Authority (Part Two)

    In this episode Pastor Mike goes deeper into spiritual authority. Specifically, he talks about the Body of Christ and the government of God. We must make sure our actions align with God's will; that …
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    Episode 568: Spiritual Authority (Part One)

    In this episode Pastor Mike talks about spiritual authority and how it differs from the authority in the world. Rather than a top down structure, spiritual authority is bottom up; it begins with …
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    Episode 567: After Prophecy

    Miracles, signs and wonders should be the baseline expectation for believers; it says, "these are the signs that follow those who believe." The way we get there is by seeking God out with everything …
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    Episode 565: Prophecy

    In this episode, Pastor Cristina discusses the characteristics of a true prophet, the purpose of prophecy, and how to discern if a prophecy is from God.
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    Episode 564: Follow Simple Instructions

    We must remember that the thus sayeth the Lords that have been released are God's idea. The words spoken over this country and your life, those are His perfect will. So we must focus on God's plan, …
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    Episode 559: Prayer Changes Things

    In this episode, Pastor Cristina shares several prophecies for the nations and talks about the importance of prayer. Praying not only impacts the world, but it changes you as well. It will show you …
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    Episode 554: The Call to Discipleship

    The condition of the country reflects the condition of the church, so ask yourself, "where do you stand and what must you do to advance the kingdom of God?" Have you been maturing and discipling …
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    Episode 550: Training to be God's Soldiers

    We must change our mindset for the transfer of wealth and influence. Like soldiers, we cannot be sent out until we are fully trained. We cannot be beggars any longer. Remember that He will never see …
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    Episode 547: God is Sovereign

    God is sovereign, so we must treat Him and His ways as such, putting them above all else and treating them with respect. We must go to Him not only when we are in trouble, but also in times of …
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    Episode 546: We Are In The Season Of Harvest

    If you ever feel like you are not enough, remember that it is God who called you, it is His idea. For as long as God isn't panicking, we shouldn't panic either, but should rejoice for all that He has …
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    Episode 545: Follow the Pattern of God

    Like Moses with the making of the tabernacle, we must follow the pattern God has set before us, down to even the smallest of details. We may not know exactly how God is going to do things, but by …
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    Episode 541: Building Upon the Rock

    In everything we build, in everything we do, Christ must be the chief cornerstone. If the foundation of something is bad, no matter how much time and resources you have put into it, the whole …