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Episode : prophecy for 2024

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6 episodes tagged with "prophecy for 2024"

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    Episode 640: Through the Spirit of God We Shall do Great Things

    God still has a greater work for America, so do not become cynical or pessimistic, instead focus on obeying the Lord. We need only to speak His word and do the right thing. Do not speak doubt, …
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    Episode 626: The Great Divide

    It is time for the Body of Christ to govern and call those things as though they were. We must unite and pray for our country and ask God what it is we need to do about the issues in this country. We …
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    Episode 624: Oh, The Times We Are In

    We will see replacement, displacement, promotion and demotion in the Body of Christ, then we will see it all over the world. God is replacing the 'Sauls' of our time with the 'Davids'. We must …
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    Episode 621: Prophecy of Jesus

    Do not let false prophets who speak of doom and gloom distract you. We need discernment regarding the prophecies that are being released. It says in the Bible that many false prophets and teachers …
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    Episode 619: Choose a Side

    In this episode Pastor Cristina goes over more prophecies and instructions for this year. We must continue to do what is right and avoid any delays. Let us talk about the darkness and the wicked no …
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    Episode 617: Focus on the Lord in 2024

    In this episode Pastor Cristina goes over instructions and prophecies for the year 2024. During this year, we must make sure not to squander any opportunities God has given us. We must spend time with …