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Episode 269: Jesus is Our Passover

Happy Passover and Resurrection Sunday! Jesus is our Passover Lamb.

Published: April 15, 2017

Speakers: Cristina Sosso




god bless you for tuning in hello this is Cristina Sosso of freedom Fellowship church and sons of God International and you are listening to the prophetic voice of our time it’s passed over everyone it’s not Easter week rather it is a holy week it is a Passover week for all of us Christians and also for the Jewish people glory to God and also this Sunday is a Resurrection Sunday that’s how we need to celebrate it we need to celebrate Jesus for everything that he did for all of us we Christians celebrate Passover because of Jesus he is our Passover we pass over from death to life eternal and he will fulfill our purpose and for the Jewish people they celebrate Passover because it is a required feast it is also required for Christians as well this is supposed to be an everlasting ordinance the Jewish people celebrate Passover and they remember how God delivered them from slavery in Egypt and how by sprinkling of the blood on their doorpost it caused the destroyer or death to pass over and spared the lives of their firstborn sons in 1st Corinthians chapter five verse seven says get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast as you really are for Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed Passover celebration is required by God and Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples before he was nailed on the cross Passover was celebrated by his disciples also in the book of Acts and also we are disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ so we are required to celebrate Passover it is this important and and hopefully through this program now that you’re getting this revelation that next year you will going to celebrate it Jesus our Passover lamb okay why because Passover celebration is not just for the Jewish people alone it is also a required feast to observe and celebrate by Christians as well in John chapter 13 verse 1 it says it was just before the Passover Feast Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the father having loved his own who were in the world he now showed them the full extent of his love mark chapter 14 verse 12 on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb Jesus’s disciples asked him where do you want us to go and make preparation for you to eat the Passover see Jesus observed it and we are his followers down to verse 16 the disciples left went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them regarding the upper room so they prepared the Passover when we take communion it is actually remembering and celebrating Jesus as the Passover lamb it is more sacred it is more important than communion he said that when we celebrate Passover we do it in remembrance of him we celebrated the Passover last Friday at the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel on IH 10 this is the smallest group so far since we start celebrating the Passover and I actually did it on purpose we did not advertise it or try to convince people to join us I gave you our listeners opportunity to celebrate it with us but that’s it I did not focus on it I wanted to be a real holy celebration that those who came and attended last Friday they are doing it for Jesus and it was a very very solemn occasion and God spoke afterwards through prophetic actions so we celebrated Jesus and the newness of life with him and in him and we thanked him and worshiped him he deserved all our praise and we had a good time so next year come join us but 2017 is such a wonderful wonderful year of manifestation and we are being prepared you and I are being prepared for the transfer of wealth influence and affluence but we have to apply God’s ways of doing things in every area of our lives and I wanted this to be so special that I did not even participate like I have been doing Mike had been doing IDI have been doing but we sat this one out and the new team or the group from the core team are the one who celebrated it starting with Debra Ferrell Joshua Kobi and Doron Esther Nancy and Davina of course and Nicole and I enjoyed it at first I didn’t know what to do but God moved in a very supernatural manner so yes we ate the bitter herbs we had unleavened bread and the Cara set and eggs all of them signifying our new life or our life in Christ Jesus the Jewish people partake of this bitter herbs a required in their celebration as they commemorate the Israelites delivered from slavery we celebrate Passover as Christians because we were also delivered from slavery from sins and we have new beginnings both Jewish and Christians are looking forward to the coming of the Messiah it is the same Messiah for the Jewish people the Messiah is coming to restore all things and to restore the kingdom back to Israel and they’re right for us Christians we expect the coming of our Messiah who was here before right Jesus Christ we are also looking forward for God restoring and taking back what belongs to him that is the earth is the Lord’s and Jesus is coming back as king of kings and Lord of lords so we are celebrating that and of course we the body of Christ have an important role before Jesus comes because the holy father directed Jesus it says the Lord said to my lord sit at my right hand until until I make your enemies your footstool we are the one the body of Christ will be the one who’s going to make the enemy of our God his foot stone okay so the Jewish people they are our brothers in Christ once they got born again they just don’t realize it yet but they will we have a gratitude to them for giving us the Bible for recording meticulously and for serving the Word of God for the whole world and second my lord jesus was born Jewish with that alone I have a special love for the Jewish people it is my prayer that they will all get saved keep in mind also that Jesus loves everybody and that is you whether you’re Jewish whether you’re not born-again Christian yet this might be your day jesus loves you too that is why he came and died for all of us to bring the nation’s all the peoples of the earth to his kingdom under his fold because he loves everybody he is loved because of Jesus we are all equal in God’s sight whomsoever believed in the son Christ Jesus will be free from the bondage of sin and death and when you are born again your destiny awaits you so God does not care so I don’t care because Jesus don’t care where you were born what nationality are you whether you were born in the Muslim region whether in Asia whether in Timbuktu Jesus loves you and he is the only one who can restore you who can heal you who can deliver you and pass you over from death to life and this is your day Jesus is the only one who can save you from hell and to give you a new beginning heal you restore you love on you you are destined for greatness and today is your day one thing I love about the Lord is that he is love he is the way to a new life and hope all you need to do is to acknowledge that you need a Savior and invite him to be your Lord then you will no longer be a second-class citizen and even now he knows you by name you are that special he will provide a way for you to be delivered from whatever you are dealing with right now and you will spend eternity with what is eternity it is not just after you’re dead okay eternal life is knowing God the Father and knowing that Jesus Christ is his begotten Son that he loved and he sent for us to get saved he loves you so repeat this after me okay because I know that you are at the end of your rope you don’t know you are lonely or depressed and you don’t have nobody to talk to he is waiting for you he loves you okay repeat this Lord Jesus I just heard today that you are Lord and that you love me I need you as my savior come into my heart Lord Jesus be the Lord of my life I want to be born again I receive your purpose and calling in my life I thank you that you are my deliverer and my god Lord Jesus today is the day I want to be born again I acknowledge you now you are my Lord and my Savior amen it is that easy but what is going to happen to you from now on Jesus is in charge right now over your life so if you confess and if you just got born again by repeating those confession of faith you are now born again and it is time for you to acknowledge him publicly that he is Lord by calling me to one zero three nine six seven eight nine one the team and I will be waiting for your call we are at the office today again it’s 2 1 0 3 9 6 7 8 9 1 again it’s 2 1 0 3 9 6 7 8 9 1 I am so excited for you your life will never be the same again and when you call I will give you some simple instructions to follow and I or member of the team will pray for you and you will begin to see the manifestation of the goodness of our God is starting now is starting today amen I am going to read a scripture to prove by the Word of God that when you become born again you are joint heirs with Christ himself and with the nation of Israel you are now my brothers and sisters I’m so excited Ephesians chapter 3 verses 4 through 6 in reading this then you’ll be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed by the spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets this mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel members together of one body and Shearer’s together in the promise in Christ Jesus when we are born again we all became priests young and old male and female Jews Gentiles Greeks Americans Muslims former Muslims we’re all priests to the order of Melchizedek like our Lord Jesus Christ Galatians chapter 3 verses 26 through 29 it says Galatians chapter 3 verses 26 through 29 so in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith for all of you were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile neither slave nor free nor is there male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus if you belong to Christ then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise it does not matter who you are it doesn’t matter if you’re wearing a focal dot address the blood of Christ has made you equal to everyone in God’s sight he does not play fabrics listen to me there is no second-class citizen in the kingdom of God he is special you are special Romans chapter 3 verse 22 this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe there is no difference see there’s no difference John 1:17 for the law was given through Moses grace and truth came through Jesus Christ we’re not under the law were under grace okay Galatians chapter 3 verse 14 he redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit I got this revelation long time ago so if you’re going to tell me that I cannot preach or I cannot be a pastor because I am wearing a skirt I have lots of skirt Thank You Gayle Thank You Divina Thank You Dora it’s too late to convince me that I don’t qualify and this will shock you I already ordained the ship’s pastors and ministered to thousands and empowered thousands of pastors and God’s people it is too late you can’t convince me how can Pastor ordain bishops no it is under the umbrella of sons of God international in which I am a co-founder and executive vice president so I ordained bishops well and said you can’t do that I said I already did and it’s okay with Jesus because he showed up and the bishops we ordained they are expanding they have so many they call them satellite churches all over all over the country and also you cannot convince me that I can do it because even the demonic spirits obey me in the name of Jesus I just happened to encounter and believed the Word of God that says I can do all things through Christ Jesus and also it says all things are possible to them that believe besides the Holy Spirit is in me and guess what how can I be not qualified because I’m a woman and you are qualified the same Holy Spirit that is in me it is the same Holy Spirit that dwells in you I hope some of you have been partaking of the yeast of the Pharisees and you know how Jesus addressed them told them that their sons of the devil so I decided that I will disciple God’s people and to teach them how to love Jesus and I didn’t apply for this job but Jesus told me that he qualifies the cult and he called me I didn’t call myself I have other things in my mind in my plan and it’s totally totally totally the opposite of where I’m at right now but you know what I am so glad that Jesus intervened I’m so glad that he’s the Lord of my life so he can and chains things I’m so glad and great wonderful changes are about to happen in your life I should listen to this radio program today so I focus on him and you need to focus on him too and then signs and wonders will follow you and if you still have problem and I still cannot convince you with the Scriptures that I just quoted then talk to the Lord about it tattletale on him and see if you can convince him because I lost my identity see Jesus did not steal my identity he took my identity and gave me a new one my identity is now in Christ Jesus and that’s how it’s going to stay okay but before I forget let me give you signs and wonders and update of our fundraising events it is now becoming fun racing events in spite of the hard work of everybody we are having fun besides I met you our listeners I know that there are some ears listening to me now because because I met some of you you know how challenging it is to talk to a microphone and those who showed up let me give you this blessing because it is from God you are now partakers and you are now recipients of the signs and wonders following these fundraising events because why you were a part of it I am very grateful for you showing up for you praying for us for you buying some stuff thank you again for participating thank you you encouraged me a great deal more than you ever realize remember I mentioned to you our listeners that these fundraising events are also the best way to train and educate youth how to operate or conduct business that’s why I made everybody contribute to work to believe God for the finances and not to beg not to go on emotional giving no drama and not desiring things for free and I told them don’t pray for somebody else to pray for your way let God do what he does best right so we’re gonna follow his ways we got lots of challenges but we learn from those challenges and here comes the good part one Saturday while we were out there in the parking lot selling a lady came by and looked at what we’re selling and she asked what it is for and we told her that it is for a fundraising event for the praise and worship team to go to Israel and for our radio broadcast she said that she wanted to donate some office supplies and some office furniture to help with the fundraising and she offered and said that you want to see them first so I send Aaron and Joshua to go to check what this lady is offering us because we just don’t receive donations okay with clothes or anything like that we just don’t receive just like that I’m very particular with that what the lady was talking about it’s not office supplies that she ended up giving us is not just a few pieces of furniture but listen to this we receive two truckloads of office furniture from their law firm glory to God see but of Christ we’re not supposed to beg we have so much class than that God showed himself strong by leading this lady to us and we were given a texas-sized seed from a lady we never met this is how God works body of Christ we don’t get into emotional giving and challenges we were willing to work hard and this body proved that to God and God is more than pleased so glory to God right
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Episode 269: Jesus is Our Passover

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