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02/18/2024 | We are Stewards of the Earth (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: February 18, 2024
Pastor Cris focuses on how God gave us stewardship and dominion over everything on the earth. In Deuteronomy 28:12, the Lord calls us as storehouses for the world and our hands will be blessed. Since we are given dominion, that means the resources on the earth work for us. However, we need to strive for the heart of God to rule and reign here. God has given us so much authority that it requires much work from us. That means that we cannot continue to sin and expect our authority in the Transfer of Wealth to manifest. So we need to ask the Holy Spirit what needs to change in our life? It could be our mindset or priorities, but we need to get on our knees to change our lives to be stewards of the earth. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.