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03/29/2023 | Train With A Heart Of A Champion (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: March 30, 2023
Pastor Joshua dived into a powerful message of training and obedience. Will be those believers who make decisions without consulting the Holy Spirit? The cold hard truth is that we can not afford to take any decision for granted, as believers it takes a certain amount of discipline, to keep our Father included into every area of our life. Do you think our Father is going to give authority to those who wouldn’t include Him? We have the potential to affect thousands with a single decision, therefore we should be taking this training very very serious. Our Father has entrusted us with much, so we are held to a higher standards. Everyday you need to keep your eyes on our Father and His goodness, ask Him for guidance in every area of your life. You need to keep your Spirit fed, or it runs the risk of getting weak, which can lead to backsliding. We are to mature of Christ followers to allow ourselves to look back to the old ways, just because something did not got our way, or it feels too tough. Our Father will not allow us to be pushed beyond what we can handle. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Our Father has told us that we are in a time of purification, this means we will be tested and broken to remove any impurities, we are training to be everlasting champions. Unlike an Olympic athlete who trains for gold that is temporary, we will train for gold that lasts for eternity. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on March 29, 2023 by Pastor Joshua Sosso