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06/27/2021 | Entrust Yourself to God and He Will Set You Apart (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: June 28, 2021
God give us everything we need to accomplish what He has set before us. Like He did with Daniel, God will exalt us above our peers when we honor Him and allow Him to lead us. If we truly believe that ultimate wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit, then we must obey and submit to His leading. He should be first place we should look for answers, how to solve problems, and the next step we should take. See the areas that God has placed us as areas we are responsible for and turn to Him with all our heart, soul and strength like King Josiah did. Have a passion and fervent obedience for the Lord because now is our season of implementation! This sermon was delivered by Pastor Joshua Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on June 27, 2021.