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04/18/2021 | Rights, Honor, and Privileges (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: April 18, 2021
The world has a warped perception regarding rights and privileges, however the Body of Christ also has a warped perception regarding rights. It is true that we have a birthright through Christ Jesus. However being a part of the move of God is not a right it is a privilege and an honor. In the same way being in a leadership position is not a right it is a privilege and an honor. The same goes for the transfer of wealth influence and affluence. If we begin to see these things as an honor and a privilege we will value them more and do whatever we can to implement God’s ways of doing things in these areas rather than just waiting for and expecting them to happen. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cristina Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on April 4, 2021.