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11/13/2022 | Re-examine Your Heart (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: November 14, 2022
This evenings service focused on keeping our wills surrendered under God’s Will. Our Father has shown all throughout history that His words and promises will be done. The only thing that keeps those promises and words from coming to pass is the unfaithfulness of the body. A few examples of this would be the Israelites who turned away from from Gods command by conforming to the life style of those who inhabit their territories. Eli allowing his sons to commit sin in God’s temple without properly reprimanding them, caused his linage to lose its promise of being priests. King Saul lost his kingship to David for making himself a god and disobeying the Lords instructions. Today we are on the cusp of losing our own promises but it is not too late. As representatives of the kingdom of God, it is vital that we keep our own personal opinions to ourselves. If we can not be trusted to hold our tongues now, how will our Father trust us with the responsibility over nations? Time is of the essence. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Joshua Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on November 13, 2022.