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01/08/2023 | Beware Of The Yeast

Published: January 08, 2023
Pastor Cristina gave a crucial word this morning about being aware of the yeast of the enemy. She broke it down into 3 different categories; the yeast of the Pharisees, the yeast of Herod (antichrist, dictatorship, hypocrisy) and the yeast of man. The yeast of the Pharisees bring many questions trying to find flaws in the words of our Father. They try to trip you up but looking at the scriptures through unseeing eyes, eyes that lack revelation and discernment. The yeast of Herod is an antichrist
spirit that is always looking to destroy the works and move of our Father. (All in vain of course) They try to restrict you from moving forward, to hold you back. The last yeast we need to look out for is the yeast of man. The yeast of man would be our own mouths and ways of thinking. Our biggest hurdle would be our own mouths. We need to keep in mind that our words hold so much power, we can build up God’s Kingdom or we could withhold it from ourselves by our ways of moving and from what we release from our mouths. So lets get out there ask or Father where he wants to lead us, pray up and ask for discernment, and leap into this manifestation. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church on January 8, 2023.