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05/23/2021 | Empowerment and the Supernatural Wherever We Are (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: May 24, 2021
Jesus was never out of place. He was always where He needed to be because He was led by the Holy Spirit wherever He went. We must follow suit and bring the supernatural into every area of society because people don’t need to enter a Church service to feel God’s power. We must step into position to make the earth more like Heaven. We need this confidence– that we can defeat giants because we are giants in the Spirit– into the marketplace and everywhere we go. God is opening up golden opportunities for us and we must be moved by the Holy Spirit because things will change suddenly and it is our privilege and honor to be part of it! This sermon was delivered by Pastor Joshua Sosso and Cristina Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on May 23, 2021.