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5/22/2022 | Will You Change the Course of History? (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: May 22, 2022
In today’s message, Pastor Cris starts out with the power of our words and how your words can be used by God, but negative words can be used by the enemy. We have to watch our words during this time so that we are speaking words of life that fulfill the works of God. She also talks about the responsibility of a prophet by referencing the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a prophet that God gave strict instructions that had effects on Israel and future generations. Seeing the responsibility that Ezekiel had to bear, that similar responsibility is being entrusted on us during this time. Be grateful that God has chosen you to partake of the wealth and be sensitive to the instructions that God is giving to you. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.