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01/28/2024 | Be Lead By The Spirit And Avoid Distractions

Published: January 28, 2024
This morning Pastor Cristina reminded us to be aware of distractions. Distractions could be little things that we are not even aware are being used to distract. It could be your work, your family, even the ministry. It is important to ask God to prioritize your schedule. Many of us have learned from our previous mistakes, but it is still important to plan and ask our Father to expose those things we are not even aware of. Be mindful of what the Holy Spirit wants from you, although we are doing the work of our Father it may not be the best time or place for it. Ask our Father to make our hearts pure daily, to expose those things that are holding and distracting us. We have a great Father who wants the very best for us. This year is a year of Manifestation so get excited. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on January 28, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso