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11/27/2022 | An Attitude Of Faith (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: November 28, 2022
Pastor Joshua gave a powerful message of keeping an attitude of faith, giving examples of Zachariah and Mary, and how their faith differed. (Luke 1:12-48) Zachariah, when told his wife will have a child, he questioned the angel (Gabriel) with doubt because of his and his wife’s age. The doubt that he had caused his speech to be cut off until the birth of John. When Mary was approached by the angel, she instead, believed every word that was given to her and even declared that whatever the Lord said, let it be done. Zachariah shows us how not to think when it comes to the promises God has given us. When it comes to our healing in our bodies, there is to be no doubt and no actions taken that contradicts God’s word. Mary gave a great example of what to do when given a blessing. She took every word to heart and ran with it, allowing God to do His work. There will come times where obeying God will conflict with family or traditions. Zachariah was told to name his son John, even when that name went against the tradition at the time. We will have to make a decision to either offend God or offend your family. Remember our Lord is faithful to those who are faithful to him. So choose God. Listen to your promises daily and set in to the mindset of belief. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church by Pastor Joshua Sosso.