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08/17/2022 | We are on a Wilderness Journey These 40 Days (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: August 18, 2022
This Wednesday, Pastor Cristina reiterates how the wilderness journey is about leaving everything behind. The Israelites had to leave Egypt behind to go to the promised land. Abraham was willing to leave His father’s household and go to a place where God would show Him. Even Christ Jesus was willing to lay aside His godhood and everything familiar to Him to become a man and obey the Father God. In order to be used mightily by God, we have to leave behind everything familiar to us and learn to trust in God in everything that we do. These 40 days are part of that wilderness journey for us. So let us take advantage of this season and allow God to prepare us. Pastor Cris also touches on the importance of being good stewards of what we have now. If we cannot be faithful with the things, we have now how can God trust us in the Transfer of Wealth? This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cristina Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on August 17, 2022.