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10/02/2022 | Don't be a Hijacker (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: October 02, 2022
Many Christians will try to insert themselves into other peoples’ callings. In doing so they become a stumbling block for others and the move of God. In a similar way Jonah tried to hijack God’s move of salvation and repentance for Nineveh. Jonah didn’t want Nineveh to be spared so he tried to hijack God’s will. These are all examples of people not treating God as holy. Many Christians are frustrated that they aren’t being used by God, because they continually try to impose their will on God and others. So, you need to keep this in mind when the Lord gives you an assignment. You have to do everything in your power to protect it. Don’t let anyone postpone your obedience. Don’t let people change the instructions or redirect these things. These things are essential to manifest your destiny for the glory of God and His Kingdom. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cristina Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on October 2, 2022.