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11/01/2023 | With All That You Have, Pursue The Lord (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: November 26, 2023
This evening Pastor Joshua focused on the tenacity in which we chase the Kingdom of God. The truth is most of us have not. Look at the state of the world, if the body of Christ has been chasing God with all that we have, the world would not been in the state that it is in. There is no one to blame other than ourselves. What are we expecting out of ourselves? We each have been given a word to take and change this world back to Christ. Few of us have pressured ourselves to actually give our hearts completely over to God, and chase Him with ALL that we have. Our expectations of ourselves need to be raised. Our expectations should be that of Matthew 13:8. We need to be the good seed and be expecting 100, 60, 30 times of sowed fruit. The time is now for signs and miracles. When our Father anoints us (as we all are) we don’t have to try to prove ourselves, God will prove Himself through you. When seeking God’s move, don’t try to emulate things that worked in the past, listen the Holy Spirit. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on November 1, 2023 by Pastor Joshua Sosso.