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12/13/2020 | The Judges Will Now Emerge In The Church (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: December 13, 2020
We are in a season where Isaiah 1:26 will manifest in these days, “I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning…” The judges and the prophets are not limited by manmade institutions. They are limited by their obedience to God. This includes men and women. God will be using both men and women mightily and in positions of authority. The Body of Christ’s failings concerning women in the Church is what has led to the Feminist and social justice movements This movements have swung the pendulum so far in the other direction, but the move of God will make it right. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cris Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on December 13, 2020.