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05/17/2023 | Redirect Your Focus And Priorities ( Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: May 18, 2023
Time is of the essence. It is time to go all in with our walk with Christ. A time for us to be united, to put our priorities in check. Have you walked out your healing physically, have you refocused your mind? Are you thinking Kingdom minded yet? We have been told time and time again to get in line and stop tiptoeing the line, have we been making an effort? Now is the time to be united as one body and one mind with the Body of Christ. Challenges are coming, don’t be taken by fear. Our Lord is faithful and He never disappoints, so stand firm. We need to check our motivations for this transfer of wealth, why do we want to be included in this great move? Is it for the wealth? The riches? The fame? If that is so, we have missed the point of this move. The 120 did not see this move as a way to bring glory to themselves, instead they took that transfer and wealth and used it to spread the gospel of Jesus. There was no competition in the 120, so why is there in us? This move is not for us, but for our country, America is worth fighting for. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on May 17, 2023 by Pastor Cristina Sosso.