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10/02/2022 | Share In Other's Blessings (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: October 03, 2022

This evening Pastor Joshua reiterated this morning’s message about how we can’t hijack other people’s destinies, even our own. There is not room for jealousy or envy in the Church, we should build each other up and be united in Christ. We are here because God has a destiny for us. We have a responsibility to make it happen and not deviate from His instructions. Sometimes God gives us a word or instruction, but we should be mindful of God’s will. We should continue to change our mindset daily, it takes work and discipline to do this task, but is fulfilling in the end. Don’t take the calling and opportunities that God has given you lightly, take this as your last chance.

This sermon was delivered by Pastor Joshua Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on October 2, 2022.