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03/21/2021 | Be a Doer of the Word and Not a Spectator (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: March 21, 2021
In II Kings the company of prophets had heard the Word of God that Elijah had been taken away but they still chose to operate according to their own understanding. In this way they were not doers of the Word but only spectators. Many Christians in the Body of Christ are like this. They hear the Word of the Lord but not focus on putting it in action. Instead they sit by. Some chase after prophecies, but what good does finding more prophecies to listen to when you haven’t even put what you have been given in action? It’s time for the Body of Christ to remember who it is. “Don’t just listen to the Word and deceive yourself. Do what it says.” James 1:22. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cristina Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on March 21, 2021.