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09/24/2023 | Be Infilled And Equipped (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: September 24, 2023
A very encouraging service this morning, reminding us that we are a body that is centered in Christ Jesus. Jesus has bore the sin that we have and will ever commit. The enemies goal is to get you to forget about God’s promise and sacrifice by guilt. Through Jesus’s sacrifice and our willingness to follow him, we have all authority over every situation and devil that stands in our way. Our Father knew even before we were created, what our destiny’s would be and how we would accomplish it if we just follow Him. We are to walk this world with a smile on our face and be empowered in our walk. This is exciting times, lets pick our heads up and move with strides because nothing can hold us back from our destiny but ourselves, This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church on September 24, 2023 by Pastor Cristina Sosso.