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01/31/2024 | We Can Change the Hearts of Kings (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: February 01, 2024
This evening Pastor Josh prioritizes the book of Daniel and how God exalted him to change the world. When Daniel was chosen, he chose to prioritize God instead of following the king’s orders. Daniel was the cream of the crop because he didn’t compromise. He was labeled as ten times smarter than everyone, because of the wisdom of God. The same thing can happen now during this time. If we focus on God and remain blameless from the ways of the world, God can use us to turn the hearts of nations. Daniel changed the heart of two separate kings because of his faithfulness. We can do great works being led by the Holy Spirit. Like Daniel, make God the highest priority in your life and he can use you mightily. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.