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10/18/2023 | Positively Obeying God (Luis & Veronica Espinoza, Deborah Ferrel)

Published: October 19, 2023
We had the pleasure of hearing from Luis & Veronica Espinoza while they shared on obedience and sin. We have heard time and time that time is of the essence and obedience is a quality we need. Sin can hold us back from the promises of God and can throw our life off track. But to be obedient and avoid sin we have to really spend time on the word and write it on our hearts. We also heard from Deborah Ferrel about getting our heart right and being positive in every area of our life. Set your heart on good things, because it can be deceived and if our hearts are right, God can provide anything. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.