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04/05/2023 | Call Those Things As Though They Were (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: April 06, 2023
Pastor Cristiana gives a word on reversing all the ungodly word that have been spoken, as well as the things the world has corrupted. We are instructed to call all those things as though they were. It is a time of reversal, a time of undoing, a time of rededicating ourselves to the Lord. We have also been instructed to watch our mouths, too many times we speak without thinking or bringing it to the Lord, we are sinning if we continue to do so. Keep in mind that we no longer should make decisions, then pray about it, it should be the opposite. As we are moving forward it is important that we do not prophesy under our own understanding, always go to the Father first. When we see the ugly of the world and its people we should not look to them with distain, but pray for them instead. We are a light in this darkness. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on April 5, 2023 by Pastor Cristina Sosso.