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04/11/2021 | The Gospel is Available to All (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: April 12, 2021
The move of God is not exclusive and if God has called us to something, it is because He knows we can handle it. As it is with the servants in the parable of the talents, those who are faithful with few can be faithful with many, so Pastor Josh encourages us to do an excellent job with the calling God has given us right now. Be mindful of any place in our hearts where we are treating the Kingdom of God like it is exclusive or as if there are special classes of people. Joh the Baptist warned the Pharisees that their special position would not save them. Those who focus on manmade doctrines or religious systems won’t recognize the move, voice or presence of God. So do not find yourself in opposition to the move of the Gospel. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to new places and submit to God! This sermon was delivered by Pastor Joshua Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on April 11, 2021.