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02/04/2024 | Start From Square One (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: February 04, 2024
What has been the cause of our delays? For many it has been our disobedience. No one can get in our way of moving forward in God’s kingdom but ourselves. The only thing that our Father looks at is our hearts, if are hearts are right, there will be no delays. All we have to do is follow His instructions. If only we do that there will be no failures. Failure only comes when we give up ourselves, because God will never fail or give up on us. Remember it was not our idea or works that have given us a place in God’s family, that comes from God. Everyday our Father is searching hearts for those who will hear His instructions and follow them. Maybe you haven’t been following the instructions given? The good news our Father can accelerate the time, if only we get in gear. Start from scratch, that is the only way to clear your mind of all the ideas and head knowledge you think you know. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on February 03, 2024