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03/17/2024 | Don't Forsake His Instruction (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: March 17, 2024
Where ever you have been placed, God has given you a set of instructions to how to properly run that said thing, but are we taking the time to engage the Father and getting the instructions. The only way to get these instructions is to constantly seek the Father presence. We would hate to end up like king saul and get replaced because we think we know best. We think that since we tithe, we give offerings, we serve, that we are doing the will of God because those are good thing, they mean nothing if we are not obeying the instructions He has given us. King Saul was looking to build his name to be a great king. How many churches are there out there that are just looking to build their names, to be well known? Too many. Every instruction that God has given you is concrete. If you have been told one thing by the Father and another claims to have heard from Him, you better believe that you need to go back and ask the Father for verification. Chances are if the Father has not told you before they did, it is a false message. In your business the instructions given to you need to be followed all the way down your ladder. Ask the Father for discernment, spend time with Him, a constant conversation. He has given us an opportunity of restoration and acceleration. Let us not take it for granted any longer. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on March 17, 2024 by Pastor Joshua Sosso