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06/25/2023 | Preparation For The Transfer Of Wealth (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: June 25, 2023
This time is a time of preparation, to focus on our God and obey His commands. Time is of the essence, and now is the time to take action. Our Father has given us grace time and time again to keep us from disqualifying ourselves, because we are all a part of the transfer of wealth. Offenses will come to try to throw you off track, this is not the time to be offended while we are doing God’s work, it is a tactic from the enemy to push us to fall away. Consider it an act of love if you are getting corrected, and though it may hurt your flesh it is done with love. You discipline and correct those you love after all, to keep them from disqualifying themselves. Your mindset should not be only looking forward to preach, this is a time of action, we have been in preparation to go do God’s will. When you are in God’s presence following His words, He will give you the grace and strength to finish what you have started in His name. When you are given a task to do by our Father, it is important that you get to it as quickly as possible, otherwise you run the risk of being distracted and delayed. This is an exciting time. Can you feel the change of atmosphere? This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on June 25, 2023 by Pastor Cristina Sosso.