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02/26/2023 | It's Time To Get Ready ( Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: February 26, 2023
This morning we had a powerful message of preparation and faithfulness. We need to keep in mind that everything we do is to presented to God. Keep in mind that everything that we go through and deal with is a preparation for a greater purpose, many of us do not even realize that we are being prepared. We may feel that we are only called to specific areas to be used, but our father knows better than us, he knows how much we love and trying to please him. When we are put in front of others to give God’s word, it is vital that we are all prayed up and ready to hear what God has to say. Who wants to be on the wrong side of God’s wraith? Our preparation is to be able to speak to hundreds and thousands and to be able to minister to them all, and the beautiful thing is that it will usually come when we least expect it. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International by Pastor Joshua Sosso.