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04/28/2024 | Are You Acting The Part Of A King Or Being One (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: April 28, 2024
We are ambassadors for Christ, in everything we do we have an audience of one, when we are in public we need to show the Father through our actions. Our prayer life should already be changed from that of a child to that of kings and priest. When we pray for others or nations it should be as a king. With decrees and declarations. Enough of praying for things that you want in your life as if the Father hasn’t heard you ask for it before. We have all been given a greater purpose in God’s kingdom. We don’t need to dress the part of what we have been given, but actually be the part. No one needs to see it on you physical body, but through your words and actions. Be a responsible ambassador of Christ, you shouldn’t rely on others to give you the Word, open the book yourself and and read. Study to show yourself approved, you have to have a domain to be a king, wherever you are placed you need to increase that arena. You are in a training ground and the time is now for you to start stepping up. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on April 28, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso