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01/21/2024 | Preparation For 2024 (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: January 21, 2024
We are reminded that we can not neglect the things that have been given to you, things like your job, your home, your prophecies, all need to be multiplied and improved. Keep in mind that somethings can not be restored, it would only be a reminder of what not to do. It will take an act of God to restore those things. Remember Luke 16:10 Be faithful in little and you will be faithful with much. Be aware of what is being instructed to you, follow the guidelines, pray and believe that what has be prophesied will come to pass. If you are as very generous person, keep an eye out for those who are there to take full advantage of that, always check with the Lord concerning your giving. Our businesses and companies are not just going to come over night if we do not put action to our instructions. just because God has told us that we are going to be given these things, doesn’t mean that we can just sit back and wait. Our instructions are, do not be afraid, be strong and continue to build the Kingdom of God here on the earth. We need to be aggressive with these instructions, pray that your faith seeds are growing, be consistent, if you continue to look at the impossibilities before you, your faith needs to be worked on. Your tithes and offerings are your investments. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on January 21, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso