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03/10/2024 | The Divinity Of Love (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: March 10, 2024
This morning focused on the law of God and the law of love. Our Father has commanded us to work under love both in everyday life as well as with Jesus. When you have a job and love the work that you do everyday will not feel like a job. You will gladly do the work with a smile on your face, but if you dislike your job you will feel that you need to take breaks. It is the same when it comes to Christ and your spouse. If your heart is not in the right place when you are pursuing the Father you will begin to feel like it is a job. A hard job. Take a step back and get into your prayer closet and ask our Father how to love Him the way that He deserves. He will show you a whole new way of viewing your walk. His love for you is so overwhelming that once you fully experience it, you will not want to leave. When it comes to your everyday life, you need to walk with love, show everyone the same level of respect that you would show to your Father. Once you do this you a whole new world of opportunity and blessings will start flowing your way. Lets not forget that you will be so much happy. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on March 10, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso