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01/22/2023 | A Time Of Preparation (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: January 22, 2023
Pastor Cristina spoke this morning of the power of our words, and how we have to ability to pull down spiritual corruptions in our lives, city, state, country and the world. She gave an example of when she was given to opportunity to prophesy against the statue of Saint Anthony, because it was a symbol of poverty declared by Saint Anthony himself. Though she felt silly talking to a statue she obeyed the Lord and the spirit of poverty was broken in San Antonio. Do not be moved by what you see and hear all around you but be moved only by the Holy Spirits leading. When we show our Father that we can handle the odd and sometimes weird instructions, he will begin to establish you. You have shown that you are faithful in the little things so you can be trusted with more. Every little thing that are Father has asked of us and we have obeyed has be a preparation for us. Always test your instructions, Is it for Gods glory? Will it benefit His people? We it give Glory to our Father? The more you obey and spend time with our Father the clearer His voice will be to you. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church on January 22, 2023 by Pastor Cristina Sosso