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01/25/2023 | Recognize, Repent, Replace, And Rest (Mrs. Paula Nations)

Published: January 26, 2023
Mrs. Paula focused on the heart issues, and how everything in God’s kingdom is about the heart. So where are our hearts at? We are part of God’s kingdom, so what kind of conditions are our hearts under? What are our motivations? As Christ followers, we are the ones that are going to be influencing this world. If our hearts are in right standing and we continue to guard our hearts of negative opinions, worldly desires, and worldly ways of doing things, we bring good influences. If we continue to focus on ourselves and our hearts are tainted by the world and our own desires, we could potentially be left behind, after all God’s kingdom will advance with or without us. You may be worried that you are not were you’d like to be in terms of a relationship with our Father, but all that needs to be done is to let Him know that we do want to fall in love with Him but we do not know how to get there. He will show us how. All this time we have been skinned alive has been preparing us for a time such as this. Its time for us to recognize our flaws, repent of them, replace the old with the new, (The new being God’s way) and rest in our Father’s presence. This sermon was delivered on January 25, 2023 at Freedom Fellowship Church by Mrs. Paula Nations