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01/22/2023 | Prophetic School Pt. 2

Published: January 23, 2023
Pastor Mike Sosso and Bishop Ed Grubbs came with a double power packed message, that we are the light of this world, we are our fathers mouth piece. We have been chosen, this generation to be God’s mountain movers. It is very important that we watch what we say and how we carry ourselves, we are being watched as followers of Christ. Where ever we go we should be bringing life, hope and giving glory right back to our Father. Do not let yourself get sucked into the world’s ways of doing and living, we should completely stand out from the world. Remember we are God’s living stones (1 Peter 2:5) built into God’s spiritual kingdom. Our Father does nothing until he reveals it to his servants, (Amos 3:7) so He is constantly waiting on us to surrender ourselves onto him to be used for his Kingdom. Here I am Lord use me, not my will but Your will be done. Once we get to a point of total reliance on our Father’s will, he will begin to use us in ways we could have never imagined, no amount of education or world smarts can ever compare to the knowledge God will release onto those who obey His commands. A strong prayer life is a fantastic way to get a closer relationship. If you ever feel like you don’t know what to pray for, pray in the holy spirit (Tongues) because that is the perfect prayer. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church on January 22, 2023 by Pastor Mike Sosso and Bishop Ed Grubbs.